Thursday, January 1, 2009

Favourite Manga Art Part 1

I'm interested in all sorts of art- more so on Manga Art these days. I loved Japanese Manga when I was a kid. Strayed away during my college years into Comic Art. Now, I'm back into lovin' Manga again. My favourites so far is Ghost In the Shell & Neon Genesis Evangelion.

I got into Ghost In The Shell after finding out that it was one of the main inspiration behind the movie Matrix- which I was crazy about at the time(best movie of all time that amazed me since Star Wars came out). Plus recomendation from one of my good friend. After that, I was hooked- the Ghost In The Shell movie, first anime series- Stand Alone Complex: Ghost In The Shell & 2nd GIG, the second TV anime series seasons, the 2nd movie- Innocence, & 3rd movie- Solid State Society.

From there I collected stuff from the original artist- Shirow Masamune's Mangas; Ghost In The Shell, Man & Machine Interface, Ghost In The Shell 1.5: Human Error Processor & his artwork collections book- Intron Depot Volume 1. His artwork is very original, detailed, innovative, insightful, & futuristic beyond years. His drawing style started with traditional style- Pencils, Coloured Pencils, Felt Pen, Water Colour, Acrylic Paints, & has since moved on merging with computer enhancements. His design ideas are realistic & very workable.

Mr. Shirow focuses mostly on female characters being the heroin of his stories- & have since published quite a few artworks in Calendar form & Art Books. I love how he creates, draws & colours his women; they are usually in Fantasy worlds, Medieval & Futuristic. I personally love the Futuristic ones.

Apart from GITS, I also adore the Neon Genesis Evangelion Manga by Yoshiuki Sadamoto. Although I started out with the Anime first(did the same with GITS). The Manga Art here is of course different from GITS as each has his own individual style. Mr. Sadamoto is less complicated, but still with a lot of details.